Kitchen Daddy’s Succulent Fish Katsu for QSR brand Motto Motto Japanese .

(and how you can create something unique for your own space!)

As a restauranteur, café owner or hotel manager you know the importance of food. Delicious, unique and innovative taste sensations (especially something you can’t get anywhere else) can bring new consumers through your door in droves while turning loyal customers into raving fanatics.

And that’s just what premium food manufacturer Kitchen Daddy does.

Enhance your brand with premium food manufacturers

As a custom, premium food manufacturers, the KD team creates products that enhance your own brand, and entice customers into your kitchen. Following strict health guidelines and regulations, and with our own absolute commitment to the freshest, premium (but cost-effective ingredients) we’ll help you create and produce beautiful, high-end recipes and products that will blow your customers away!

So, let’s meet one of Kitchen Daddy’s most recent food revelations – the succulent Fish Katsu for QSR brand, Motto Motto.

A Classic with a Japanese Twist

The classic fish ‘n’ chips combo was given a premium Japanese twist this seafood season, with Motto Motto launching an epic feast of traditional Japanese fish katsu served alongside fried pork gyoza and seaweed salted fries.

If that’s already gotten your taste buds salivating, we probably shouldn’t tell you that the dish featured sustainably-raised cod, house-made Japanese tartar sauce created from locally sourced ingredients and a fresh local lemon wedge. 

Now the sad news is that the wallet-friendly, limited-edition special was only available for devouring over the 2022 Easter holiday season, but the good news is that MM is planning to launch an LTO fish katsu curry later in 2022 – meaning more mouths will be able to enjoy the divine flavours of Kitchen Daddy’s fish katsu.

How was the dish created?

Look, we’re going to be real with you. This zesty fish katsu was the lovechild of Japanese restaurant kings MM and the custom-food manufacturing gurus here at KD.

And it was a match made in heaven – as the incredible popularity of this dish can attest.

Designed by MM Executive Chef Ryuji Tomihara and brought to life by our premium food manufacturing team, we ensured it was a smooth process that saw the MM distributor receive the product in time for an Easter restaurant delivery.

Behind the scenes, KD not only sourced a delicious cut of cod that would maintain its flavour after flash freezing and cook perfectly in any MM restaurant across NSW and Queensland, but we also simulated various dine-in and delivery conditions to see how the product would react, and if any adjustments could result in better quality for the end customer.

The result simply has to be seen (and gobbled) to be believed.

How can premium food manufacturing benefit your business?

We work with our clients (you!) to manage the entire food manufacturing process from recipe creation through to food production and product packaging. We even provide supply chain consultancy services.

As premium food manufacturing experts, we’re committed to using high-quality ingredients to ensure that the food you serve in your venue is the very best it can be. Because we care about your customers’ satisfaction and your reputation just as much as you do.

Quality ingredients can make all the difference and raise your customers’ verbal reviews from a ‘yeah it was OK’ to a ‘holy heck, what was that foodie phenomenon”!

If you’ve got an idea in mind, get in touch, and we’ll get the premium food manufacturing process behind you.

Let’s make a culinary love child together!

We’d love to get your customers raving about your menu. Get in touch to find out how our premium food manufacturing process can boost your business.
