Burger Brand Embraces the Lobster Croquette to Smashing Mashup Success .

Fusion food has been in and out of popularity since Wolfgang Puck first started enthusiastically combining smoked salmon, caviar and crème fraîche on pizzas. While sometimes it’s been wholeheartedly embraced and sometimes (like the dark days of the 90s) it has not, innovative foodies have always known the utter deliciousness that could be found in modern-day mash ups. 

The Burger Emperor’s Lobster Croquette Burger is just such a mash up.

Introduced by the gifted food-loving team at Burger Emperor, with a dose of innovation from the Kitchen Daddy custom food manufacturing geniuses, the Lobster Croquette is a smashing mash up success. 

It combines the deliciousness of Asian burger flavours with the sweet, briny notes of indulgent lobster. Think – the yielding softness of a creamy lobster and prawn croquette, the crunchy snap of zesty white cabbage, a pop of citrussy yuzu and the sweet hit of Japanese mayo, nestled in between soft milk buns – food perfection.

You can see why it’s the most popular item on the Burger Emperor menu.

Creating bespoke products with custom food manufacturing

Any fusion product requires one important ingredient – an idea. Whether it’s the Cronut™,  Korean tacos or our own Lobster Croquette, it’s the reimagining of traditional tastes and flavours that creates something utterly new and stunningly evocative. And it’s what keeps customers coming back for more.

When the Burger Emperor team approached Kitchen Daddy about this new product, the entire team was keen to jump on the challenge. The Lobster Croquette – or the lobster burger in other words – was an indulgent revisioning of what a traditional burger was all about. Adding in the Asian influence was the salty tamari on top of an already moreish idea, and the KD team set to work sourcing premium and unique ingredients to further elevate those unique flavours.

Custom food manufacturing is an expert’s industry. Burger Emperor brought their expertise in taste and clientele (they knew their customers would love it). And Kitchen Daddy brought theirs in the form of skilful sourcing, precision processing and efficient distribution channels. While the Kitchen Daddy / Burger Emperor team was a new partnership, with results like this beautiful, bespoke Lobster Croquette, one with a mouth-watering future.

How to use custom food manufacturing in your kitchen

Just like the incredible taste sensation that is the Lobster Croquette, custom food manufacturing can take your concept and elevate it beyond what you’ve already imagined. As custom food manufacturers, Kitchen Daddy works with you to develop your product from concept to delivery, within your budget and fully aligned with your taste goals. No short cuts. No low grade products. Just efficient, affordable and masterful creation and production capabilities that elevate the experience of eating for your customers and the experience of food production for you.

Whether you have a new mash up on your mind, or an in-house kitchen product that you’re ready to create on a larger, commercial scale, the Kitchen Daddy team can deliver, with economies of scale with sinfully delectable results. 

Custom food manufacturing can build in cost and production efficiencies for your restaurant, cafe or hotel. Better yet, you can produce your own delectable mash up! Read more about our clients and get in touch to discuss your needs.
